M2S public access briefs are samples of our work and provide insights and points of view on some of the key regulatory issues and policy drivers impacting our clients.
“Feminist” Foreign Policy: Ever More Followers (and Critics)?
Over the span of a couple of years, “Feminist” Foreign Policy has taken root in international diplomacy. Initially met with scepticism, this “change in approach” to external policies seems here to stay.
The EU’s Growing Space Ambitions
The EU is changing its approach towards space. A new more geopolitical outlook, increased autonomy, and enhanced entrepreneurship are at the hear of the new, ambitious direction.
International Climate Club
The German Government has tabled a proposal for an international climate club to coordinate climate policy instruments and protect the competitiveness of climate pioneering countries and industries.
French Climate Law
France’s climate law falls short of expectations, but provides an opening for companies that have made early investments in lowering their climate and environmental footprint.
European AI Law